

Difference between Metaplasia and Dysplasia

1.Definition- Change of one type of epithelial or mesenchymal cell to another type of epithelial or mesenchymal cellDefinition- Disordered cellular development, accompanied by hyperplasia or Metaplasia
2.Types- Epithelial,(squamous, columnar) Mesenchymal(osseous, cartilaginous)Types- Epithelial only
3.Tissues affected- Bronchial mucosa, endocervix, mesenchymal- arteriesTissues affected- Uterine, cervix, bronchial mucosa
4.Cellular changes- Mature cellular developmentCellular changes- Disordered cellular development (pleomorphism)Nuclear hyperchromasia, mitosis, loss of polarity
5.Natural history- Reversible on withdrawal of stimulusNatural history- May regress on the removal of stimulus or may progress to higher grades of dysplasia or carcinoma in situ


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