Anatomy Quiz

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Anatomy Quiz


1 / 10

What is the correct order for the transport of sperm from testes to outside the body?

2 / 10

In humans, the sphincter of Oddi is associated with the opening of.

3 / 10

The organ which is present in the thoracic cavity through which food passes from the throat to stomach

4 / 10

The synovial joint are also called as

5 / 10

The Brain and Spinal cord together forms ..

6 / 10

The pineal gland secretes ..

7 / 10

Which part of the human brain has a center for controlling breathing?

8 / 10

A type of joint lies at the shoulder joint and hip joint?

9 / 10

Podocytes are found in which part ?

10 / 10

Which part of the heart has the thickest wall?

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The average score is 51%


Created on

Anatomy Quiz 1

Practice- 2

1 / 10

Epiglottis is composed of-

2 / 10

Which is the layer in epidermis, where cells are completely keratinized –

3 / 10

Stimulation of the sympathetic portion of ANS causes all, except-

4 / 10

Which group of vertebrae have the longest dorsal spine-

5 / 10

Zygomatic bone is –

6 / 10

Lacteal is –

7 / 10

Spermatogenesis takes place in –

8 / 10

Which structure does not enter or leave the hilus of the kidney-

9 / 10

Which structure does not lie within the mediastinum-

10 / 10

During endochondral ossification the primary center of ossification develops-

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The average score is 38%


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Anatomy Quiz 2

Practice- 3

1 / 10

Which type of gland secretes directly into the bloodstream –

2 / 10

Supraspinatus muscle –

3 / 10

Which type of muscle is under voluntary control-

4 / 10

Glucagon is secreted by which pancreatic islet cells?

5 / 10

Oxytocin & vasopressin secreted from –

6 / 10

The cells that detect the oxygen level in the blood are in –

7 / 10

Meibomian glands are present in –

8 / 10

Which part of myocardium is thickest –

9 / 10

Which is not a polymorphonuclear leucocyte-

10 / 10

The bladder is lined with –

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The average score is 49%


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Anatomy Quiz 3

Practice- 4

1 / 10

A typical neural pathway is –

2 / 10

Somatostatin is secreted by-

3 / 10

Blood enters the glomerulus via –

4 / 10

Scapula is an example of-

5 / 10

A golden brown pigment found in cells which are connected with hemoglobin breakdown is called-

6 / 10

What is not the function of skin –

7 / 10

Which structure doesn’t pass through the aortic hiatus –

8 / 10

An isometric contraction –

9 / 10

Which is not a superficial lymph node –

10 / 10

The outer layer of blood vessel is –

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The average score is 48%


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Anatomy Quiz 4

Practice- 5

1 / 10

Creatinine is a metabolic waste product excreted in urine and derived from-

2 / 10

Intrinsic factor is produced by which cells in the stomach?

3 / 10

The total lung capacity in a healthy adult male is approximately-

4 / 10

The posterior thoracic cage is composed of how many pairs of ribs?

5 / 10

Which of the following is an example of a peptide hormone?

6 / 10

Nerve impulses from visual stimuli are integrated in which lobe?

7 / 10

In most reflex arcs, sensory neurones synapse in-

8 / 10

Which of the following can pass most easily through the epidermis-

9 / 10

Which of the following structures is not an accessory component of the skin-

10 / 10

An enzyme is described as –

Your score is

The average score is 42%


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